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NEW DIET: The doctors are in shock

Updated: May 16, 2019

Best new way to boost your metabolism. Just add 2 ingredients to your daily diet and in 2 weeks you will gain the perfect body.

Doctors made an unexpected discovery. After research carried on 1000 people from the age of 18 to 71, the scientists from The University of Louisiana made a terrific breakthrough in dietology. While you are on this diet you are allowed to eat anything and by anything we literally mean ANYTHING!!!

The secret behind it?

Just drink a cup of coffee before and after each meal. But before that you will need to start your day with a cup of coffee and an aspirin. This triggers the thermodynamics in your body and all the calories you gain from the dishes you devour are processed twice as fast. The quantity of the caffeine based drink may vary since and individual's body is unique but based on the research the minimal amount is 77 ml.

Dr. Peterson, a well-renowned American dietologist has been doing diet for 1 year now and even though he is 65 he looks as young and healthy as a 25-year-old. To achieve the same follow the steps mentioned in the article or click the link below for a more detailed recipe.

With such an innovative meal plan the future has never looked so bright!!!

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